Gwynne Watkins Gwynne Watkins

New Christmas play! You know, for kids.

The latest in my series of reverent-irreverent Christmas pageants is now available from Beat by Beat Press.

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The latest in my series of reverent-irreverent Christmas pageants is now available from Beat by Beat Press.

Called “A Very Mixed-Up Christmas Pageant,” it’s about what happens when all the pageant costumes disappear before dress rehearsal and the pastor, in a panic, tells the kids to wear their Halloween costumes. Is it still a Christmas pageant if Mary is dressed as Captain Marvel, Joseph is Sheriff Woody, and their donkey is a dragon? This short play, with traditional hymns, will make you ponder the true roles that everyone plays in the Christmas story — and bonus, you can use whatever costumes you have on hand. Preview it (for free!) and buy performance rights and accompaniment (for cheap!) at Beat by Beat Press.

While you’re there, check out my other nativity plays, Wow! and The Mysterious Animal.

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Gwynne Watkins Gwynne Watkins

Space Pirates!

Space Pirates, the sublimely silly children's musical I wrote with Denver Casado and Betina Hershey, returned to its original stage this weekend for four performances by the Garden Players of Forest Hills.  We're hoping to make this available to schools as soon as August; it's written for a large group of kids to perform, with many featured parts. Contact me if you'd like more information!

Space Pirates, the sublimely silly children's musical I wrote with Denver Casado and Betina Hershey, returned to its original stage this weekend for four performances by the Garden Players of Forest Hills.  We're hoping to make this available to schools as soon as August; it's written for a large group of kids to perform, with many featured parts. Contact me if you'd like more information!

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